Every year in autumn E.A.I.V.T. stages a meeting in a different country to bring together some of our members and local dealers of that country. This year, the E.A.I.V.T. ForumFuture took place from 22 to 24 September in Tallinn, Estonia

Topical focus of the conference was on the Estonian and Baltic Car Markets. There were over 40 participants, most of whom E.A.I.V.T. Members, but also some guests.

The purpose of this E.A.I.V.T. ForumFuture meeting was:

  • to gain more insight into the local market and understand its particularities. To achieve this, we shared knowledge between E.A.I.V.T. members and guests and brought people to the table who have insight into various aspects of the Estonian/Baltic car market.
  • to strengthen the ties with our members in Estonia and neighbouring countries and possibly encourage more local demand for E.A.I.V.T. membership. Dealers present at this meeting had the opportunity of finding new business partners as well as understanding the requirements of the local market.

Members interested in attending our ForumFuture meetings should write to ‘info@eaivt.org’.

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